The Four Seasons Beverly Wilshire featured in ‘Pretty Woman’ now offers a unique holographic concierge service

If just like Vivian you want to slink into a hot tub and sing like no one’s listening then think again! because the Beverly Wilshire, A Four Seasons Hotel is incorporating hologram technology into the Hotel’s Penthouse and Presidential Suites  with a first-of-its-kind holographic concierge service..

The M is a portable, tabletop holographic communications device from Los Angeles-based Proto, the world’s first and only holographic communications platform. The device allows for the Hotel’s exceptional Guest Experience team, who specialize in providing bespoke and memorable experiences for guests, to live beam directly into the room.

“We are elated to provide our guests with yet another way to communicate with us. Based on the guest preference, we can communicate in person, through Four Seasons Chat, text, a call and now by beaming via hologram into their room,” says Director of Guest Experience Serge Sturbois. Whether guests want to connect from the comfort of the Penthouse’s state-of-the-art media room, while enjoying breakfast in the Beverly Presidential’s dining room, or relaxing in the Wilshire Presidential’s spacious living room, the portal device is sized to fit the guest’s lifestyle.

Guests will designate a time in which a Guest Experience team member will live beam into the room. From there, both Beverly Wilshire staff and guest will be able to see each other and communicate in real time to review the day’s itinerary, capabilities within the suite and so much more. Proto Hologram communication is in use by Fortune 500 companies, top universities and Hollywood studios already – and has been shown to increase the quality of conversation significantly over flat screen video solutions.

Known as a Beverly Hills hotel with a robust history, Beverly Wilshire has never strayed away from offering new and exciting advancements to its discerning travellers.